Meet Sophie Mentink - New Committee Member
1. How did you come to work in-house, and what i
s your current role?
I’m currently Corporate Counsel in the Fonterra legal team. I initially came to Fonterra on a secondment and during that secondment I found that in-house just really clicked for me – I really love the relationships you get to form with your key stakeholders and how integrated into the business an in-house team is. Luckily for me, an opportunity then came up in a permanent role in the Fonterra team and I’ve now been in that role for just over a year.
2. What inspired you to run for an ILANZ committee position?
I think that ILANZ plays a really important role in supporting the in-house community, in championing core values and in driving change for that community. As a relatively new in-house lawyer, it also seemed like a really great chance to connect with other in-house lawyers and to build awareness with graduates and junior lawyers around what opportunities are out there for them in in-house.
3. What has been a career highlight so far?
I know that this will sound fairly cheesy but the highlight of my in-house career so far is getting to work alongside my colleagues in the Fonterra legal team. They’re an incredible group of really talented people and I’m really grateful for the support they’ve given me as a new in-house lawyer.
4. If you weren’t a lawyer, what would you be?
When I was younger I always thought that I would end up as a journalist so realistically probably a journalist!